Visiting Leister Head Office, Switzerland

With overseas travel restrictions easing in 2022, we took the opportunity to send our Leister Sales Manager Matthew Allan, up to Switzerland in March to have some face-to-face training with the experts.

Matt, who joined our team at Carr New Zealand in June 2021, attended three weeks of training in relation to Repairs, Basic Welding and Advanced Geo Welding. Each of these courses provided invaluable opportunities to seek knowledge directly from the experts who drive the various product lines.

Matt witnessed first-hand demonstrations of the level of precision and quality synonymous with the Leister brand. From the impressive Headquarters at Kagiswil, to the state-of-the-art factory in Sarnen, everything had a purpose and was to a high standard.

Seeing the amount of detail, and precision that goes into the production of every tool coming off the production line, the automated warehousing system, and the designers and developers working on future equipment, was something to behold.

Getting hands-on with the full range of tools and equipment was invaluable, bolstering Matt’s extensive knowledge of the Leister range. Matt also took the opportunity to work with the team at Leister to do some testing and development for our customers.

“Sharing with the designers and experts at Leister about the needs of our customers really helped me to find them some innovative solutions. Leister’s technical support is invaluable in ensuring our customers get the best possible service,” said Matt.

Matt’s trip to Switzerland has been a great opportunity to further strengthen the Carr Group’s 60-year-long relationship with Leister, by facilitating the development of new relationships with key employees and other distributors worldwide. These new contacts have already been well utilised since his return, with our in-house knowledge of all things Leister continuing to grow.

The team at Leister were incredibly welcoming and so appreciative of the investment made by Carr to send Matt to Switzerland. As always, the hospitality and the amazing scenery around Sarnen, where they are located, provided an amazing environment to work and to learn.

Contact Matt Allan for advice on which tool is right for your application or how to extract the most out of your Leister tool.